Would I like being a law librarian?
Making an informed decision concerning a law library career requires an understanding of law librarian qualifications, responsibilities, compensation, and employment prospects. The resources below and elsewhere on this website discuss these issues and more.
- Update to Choosing Law Librarianship: Thoughts for People Contemplating a Career Move, by Mary Whisner. This article highlights the important issues confronting those who are considering becoming law librarians.
- Thinking about Pursuing an MLS?, by Louis Abramovitz. The author recounts his decision to become a law librarian and his pursuit of a graduate library degree.
- Law Librarianship by the Numbers 2008. This report summarizes recent statistics concerning law librarian salaries and references published statistics concerning employment prospects.
- AALL Career Center. This website lists law librarian positions that are currently posted with the American Association of Law Libraries.